Understand Best Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis

Although the body could be capable of eliminating BV by itself, but in case it becomes severe the illness can raise the risk of developing additional health problems. That's why, anyone who experiences BV symptoms should speak with a medical expert or, go to the best std clinic in Delhi for a cure because later the symptoms might be painful.

If you are not sure about it, you can consult Dr. Shriyans Jain to help you out.

Let's understand what this disease is and how it is caused.

Bacterial Vaginosis: What is it?

The unique bacterial community that lives in the female vagina can support genital and vaginal health. Most of these bacteria, which aid in preventing the formation of harmful bacteria and competing with them, are members of the Lactobacillus family.

If you clean your vagina regularly then it's not going to emit any fishy stench, but if you don't then undesirable bacteria like Gardnerella vaginosis can overpower the Lactobacillus population and result in a disease known as bacterial vaginosis that leaves the vagina smelling "fishy." Gardnerella is also known as bad bacteria.

If you're observing any fishy smell in your vagina, then book an appointment with the best std clinic in Delhi of Shriyans Jain for home remedies and ayurvedic methods.

Let's examine this in more detail, along with some natural remedies for bacterial vaginosis.

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

It's hard to determine whether it's BV or not as many sufferers don't exhibit any symptoms. If you do experience symptoms, you might face the following issues:

  1. Burning, itchiness, and pain in the vaginal area.

  2. The stingy smell while urinating.

  3. A light vaginal discharge, either white or grey.

  4. Pungent, fishy smell, particularly after having sex.

  5. Itchiness outside the vagina.

 Consult with a sex specialist in Delhi, if you observe any above signs in your vagina.

Major causes for BV

It can be brought on by almost anything that affects the vagina's pH or disturbs the usual vaginal bacteria. Unhygienic living is also a cause of BV increases as it helps the bad bacteria to overpower.

Home remedies for BV

We know that vagina cleans itself, it doesn't require specific fragrances, douches or soaps. However, using these things might affect the vaginal pH. So, what to do to prevent or cure BV?  The first advice is to go to a sex specialist in Delhi. In case you want to cure it at home here is a list of some of the home cures for BV:

  Use cotton and breathable undergarments.

  Don't use scented vaginal products.

  Don't switch your sex position from anal to the vagina.

  Don't use lubricants, it can affect your vaginal pH.

  Don't share your sex toys with anyone.

  Keep it dry.

  Always wash your hands before touching your vagina.

  Use protection during intercourse.

  Don't use fancy products, clean them only with water.

In case these remedies don't work, you can consult with Shriyans Jain in his std clinic in Delhi. He will examine your vagina to understand the reason behind the symptoms you informed him of. And after that, to ascertain whether BV is present, he can also examine a sample of vaginal fluid.




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