What are the common sexually transmitted infections?

 Sexually transmitted infections can take a toll on your health. Different sources can lead you to STI and not getting the right treatment at the right time can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is essential to visit a sexologist doctor in India as soon as you experience any signs or symptoms. 

Some of the most common sexually transmitted infections are mentioned below.


Syphilis is the oldest type of STI and the most common sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacteria, Treponema palladium. Transmission may occur through direct touch with a chancre, the sore caused by syphilis. A round, hard, painless sore on the genitals or mouth may signal the onset of the condition.

These sores can occasionally go undiagnosed since they don't hurt, and subsequently the symptoms disappear. But at this point, the illness is still spreading. Later stages of the illness can harm the liver, blood vessels, heart, joints, bones, and skin if left untreated. You can visit a sexologist in India to get the right treatment for the disease.


Itching, redness, and burning of the genitalia are common symptoms of trichomoniasis in females. There may also be a thin discharge that can be clear, white, yellowish, green, or clear with an odd odour. 

Men may experience symptoms such as burning after urinating or ejaculating, itching, inflammation and, discharge from the penis. Because males typically don't exhibit symptoms, they frequently are unaware that they are sick, choose not to seek medical assistance, and unintentionally spread this parasite to other partners. If you are experiencing similar symptoms, you must visit the top sexologist in Delhi. 


The most fatal form of STI is AIDS. People with HIV may have swollen glands, headaches, myalgia, or acute exhaustion that lasts for 2-4 weeks in the early stages of the disease. Unexpected and significant weight loss, fever, night sweats, severe infections, persistent dryness, and skin rashes are all possible symptoms of late-stage HIV, which is known as AIDS. 

When the disease enters this stage, one should visit the top sexologist in Delhi. If you get it cured on time, it can reduce your symptoms for a long time. 


This condition is brought on by the Relitthreateningm, which prefers warm, moist environments like the throat, vagina, toes, anus, female genitalia, and other reproductive systems. Genital discharge and a burning or painful sensation while urinating are a couple of the usual symptoms. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can cause infertility and death if left untreated, can strike untreated women. 

Although these diseases can be very life-threatening, you can easily get cured if treated properly. To get a proper health check and treatment, visit Dr Shriyans Jain's clinic, the top sexologist in Delhi. He guides you with his experience and ayurvedic knowledge to provide the best treatment. 


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