What Are the Effects of Cigarette Smoking on Erectile Dysfunction?

We undoubtedly already are aware that smoking raises the probability of having cancer and cardiovascular diseases, although do you actually know that it hinders having an erection, harms fertility, and encourages specific sexual illnesses?

Yes, if you are taking drugs, alcohol or even smoking, your sexual life is going to suffer at some point. The effect of smoking on sexuality varies. In some men, it reduces their fertility rate and in some women, it lowers their sex drive. It's a myth that women don't suffer from premature ejaculation or that only women are responsible for giving birth.

Addiction to smoking has tremendous bad effects on your sex drive, contact the best sexologist in Delhi NCR, like Dr Shriyans Jain to help you out.

Smoking Effects on Sexual Health

Smoking contributes to both heart problems and ED risk in a dose-dependent manner. Smoking can be detrimental to your fertility and sexual health in the following ways:

  1. Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Smoking causes damage to the vascular system that's essential for promoting erections. Men that consume tobacco are much more susceptible to getting ED since smoking destroys the blood vessels as well as hinders them from working as they need to, which is necessary for erections to occur.

A study found that males who consumed over 20 cigarettes daily had an ED likelihood that was 60% higher than that of guys who never smoked. However, quitting smoking can help a person's erectile function.

Other reasons, such as nerve injury to the genital region, cancer therapies, and mental health problems like depression and anxiety, can also cause ED.

  1. Hider Fertility Rate

Smoking has many harmful impacts beyond just libido and erection issues. Smoking could have a detrimental effect on both a woman's and a man's fertility, making it more challenging to conceive, and lowering the possibility of getting a normal pregnancy.

Men smokers exhibit problems in sperm appearance and function, a decreased sperm count, a reduced amount of semen, and slower-moving sperm. Smoking increases the probability of perimenopause, and egg destruction, and increases infertility in women. Additionally, smoking interferes with the production of oestrogen by ovarian cells, which results in an increase in the number of eggs with genetic flaws. In this case, one should contact the best infertility specialist in Delhi NCR.

Dr Shriyans Jain has helped many couples to conceive a child with his ayurvedic treatment. He not only helps in curing the disease but he is also an expert sex therapist who can help you enhance your relationship by clearing doubts and myths. If you are in search of the best infertility specialist in Delhi NCR, book an appointment in his clinic.

  1. Lower Durability

Cigarettes can lower stamina, which makes it difficult for a person to have satisfying sexual experiences. It may cause fatigue and exhaustion during sexual activity.

  1. Lowered Libido

Lack of sexual interest might result from smoking. Smokers won't be capable of performing well during sex, which might further reduce satisfaction feelings.

If you desire guidance or assistance for kicking the habit or other sexual health complications, reach out to the top sexologist in Delhi, Dr Shriyans Jain.


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